Share of Renewable Energy in Russia is No Bigger Than 1%, No Change Expected in Short-Term Perspective

Sergei Pikin

Renewable energy in Russia is developing slowly and is not very popular due to the vast deposits of hydrocarbons and the development of other types of power generation.

This was the viewpoint shared by the participants of the online-conference of the Center of Energy Expertise: The head of the Energy Development foundation Sergei Pikin (Russia) and the Director of Energy Education at the Center for Sustainable & Renewable Energy Paul Komor (USA).

According to Sergei Pikin, the renewable energy in Russia comprises about one per cent. “But I would not say that’s a disgrace, — the expert point out. – Personally, are you ready to pay 14 rubles for one kilowatt/hour of renewable electrical energy? If you are, there is the next issue – are you ready to increase it’s share to 20% within three years? And are there many people who would wish to pay for the development of renewable energy. It is important to understand that it develops mainly at the expense of consumers, it is a consumer who is the finite source of investment”.

In the short-term perspective Russia does not need renewable energy sources – the country possesses a large quantity of natural resources, says Paul Komor. “Nevertheless, — the expert says with confidence, — at some point the world is going to switch to renewable energy sources, and Russia is running a risk of hanging behind, unless it recognizes this fact”.

The participants of the online conference expressed their assuredness in the fact that the renewable energy — as any other type of energy generation – requires serious state support. “It needs to be supported, — says Pikin, — despite the availability of gas, oil and Gazprom. This is a global trend. “The less state support the development of renewable energy sources receives, the less expensive it will be”, — Paul Komor points out”.

The experts are practically united in their evaluation of the prospects for the increase in the share of renewable energy by 2020: in the opinion of Sergei Pikin, “the forecast for Russia for this period is 4.5%, for Europe – no less than 20%. We have these figures recorded in our energy strategy, and the Europeans – in the Eneregy Charter”.

Paul Komor quotes the forecast of the International Energy Agency: «Our world is going to receive 14% of all the energy from the renewable energy sources by 2020. For the USA this parameter amounts to 8%, for Europe – 14%, for Russia – 4%”.

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