Sibenergomash to Set Up New Enterprise

OAO Sibenergomash opens a new and unique for the Altai Territory enterprise — a welded tube mill. The opening ceremony is to take place on July 27.

The mill will enable to establish an uninterrupted tube supply not only for own manufacture but also to satisfy the demand of outside consumers in the tubes of this type. Besides this will lead to a considerable transportation expenses cut by both the enterprise itself and the regional customers. The warehouse of the plant already contains the raw materials stock – strip for the first month of the mill’s operation. At present the negotiations on tube delivery to the enterprises of the country are being held.

The yearly capacity of the mill if 16 thousand tons.. Its planned capacity is about 2500 tons of tube a month depending on a tube jacket and a tube diameter. Diameters of the manufactured tubes range from 20 to 60 mm, the jackets are 1.5 to 3.5 mm. Besides the tube welding machine will produce shaped tubes of square and rectangular cross-section.

High-qualified professionals have been invited to work in a newly opened enterprise.

Due to setting up the new manufacturing capacity OAO Sibenergomash will get the products of new quality level at lower cost and will reach a higher technological level of production.


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