Sibirgasservice Increases Stability of Gas Supply in Siberian Capital City

The specialists of JSC Sibirgasservice (a gas company belonging to IES Holding) replaced a stopcock with a large diameter ball-valve in the high-pressure gas pipeline, which transports gas from GDS (gas-distributing station) -6 to several districts in the right-bank side of Novosibirsk.

The works carried out by a complex team of the Sibirgasservice chief engineer service took more than two days including the preparation phase. But that was worth it because the replacement of an ordinary stopcock with a modern ball-valve in the 500 mm diameter gas pipeline will improve the gas supply of the right bank part of the city.

The head of the complex-operating service of the company Dmitry Roschin holds the opinion that the advantages of a ball-valve of a stopcock are obvious: reliability, safety, hermiticity and operating convenience. It may take half an hour to close a stopcock, while handling a ball-valve will only take 2-3 minutes.

In order to fulfill the replacement the complex team had to pump the gas out of the gas-pipe for some time, provide the hermeticity of the pipeline by putting inside the pipe some special rubber balls. Then they cut out the stopcock using welding and then cut in the valve. Such work requires high professional qualification which is why the best workers of the company’s technological subdivisions were selected for the complex brigade.

The ball-valve DU-500, installed near the GDS-6 in the vicinity of Pashino village is to provide stable and uninterrupted gas supply to the right-bank side of the city” – explained the head of complex-operating service at JSC Sibirgasservice. – That’s why we think this ball-valve is worth the money andеру time we spent on it. We hope that the summer repair and maintenance campaign which began this spring will round up the planned modernization of our gas pipelines. In this way we enhance the safety of natural gas transportation to our customers.

Photo: Novosibirsk

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