Smart Electricity Meters to be Used in St. Petersburg

OAO Lenenergo is going to install over 10 thousand intellectual metering devices in St. Peterburg and Leningradskaya region, the web-site of the company announces. According to OAO Lenenergo, this will be the first stage of the program for introducing the large-scale system of “smart” electricity metering in the city and the region. The execution of this project will require about 250 million Russian rubles.

Smart meters will be united into one information network, which was specially designed to provide precise measurements and the possibility to exchange data on the parameters of energy consumption by households and commercial consumers. The installed “smart” meters will send the data on the volumes and the quality of the transmitted electrical energy via GPRS-channels in real-time mode. This will give the specialists the opportunity to carry out continuous observations on the compliance of electrical energy with quality standards, will raise the precision of its metering as well as will simplify the data exchange with the retail companies.

Such systems of intellectual metering are already widely used in the work of the leading European and Asian power grid companies. Their unique possibilities of feedback are giving the opportunity of not only transferring data but also receiving it. Moreover, with the help of special software the specialists can remotely change even device settings.

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