Snow-capped Europe to Be Warmed Up by Russian Gas?

The formal visit of the chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Boris Gryzlov to the Republic of Slovenia took place on July 31. The meetings included the discussions on large strategic projects implementation, including the South Stream. According to the State Duma press-service, Gryzlov declared that “the North Stream and the South Stream are not limited by the energy industry sphere, but are stimulating a number of other potential projects”. He added that there will be enough Russian gas for everybody in Europe. The project implementation deadlines of the South stream will be met. “The project is being implemented in full accordance with the agreed terms”, — quotes him saying.

The speaker of the State Duma reminds that the pipeline construction is to have started by 2013, and the first gas delivery via this pipeline is planned for 2015. According to Gryzlov, the annual gas transportation will make up 22-24 billion cubic meters.

As we have seen during the last couple of years, Europe is freezing and it is snowing there even when in Russia it is already summer, — Gryzlov pointed out. – That’s why Europe needs Russian gas”.


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