Сoal Mining Industry in Russia Employs About 170,000 People

In anticipation of the Miner’s Day, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the representatives of the coal and mining industry. The meeting in the Kremlin today,brought together more than 500 representatives of Russian coal and mining companies, scientists, industry veterans.
Vladimir Putin also had a video conference with the miners working in the Kemerovo region, Norilsk and Yakutia.

The Miner’s Day, established 65 years ago, is celebrated in Russia on the last Sunday of August.

Over the past decade, coal production in Russia increased by almost a quarter, and exports have risen three times. Last year, almost 340 million tons of coal were produced — a record number in recent history.

The long-term program of the development of the coal industry until 2030 has been approved. Its most important priorities — the modernization of the production process, the expansion of the resource base, including the creation of new centers of coal production in the Far East, Tuva and Yakutia.
» Decent working conditions and safety, fair wages and pensions for miners should always be in the first place. I hope that the owners of the enterprises, and the trade unions will set the top priority for the social problems of workers. Only in the coal industry, we employed approximately 170 thousand people. Together with their families the number is almost 700,000, «- Vladimir Putin said.

According to him, the government will continue to take systematic measures to improve the safety and reliability of labor.

“Together with the regions we are going to develop the mining towns and villages, there is still a lot of problems. We will continue the reconstruction of the industry, including housing solutions and ecological recovery of the territory. We will help our businesses to implement development programs, to build the capacity of the transport, logistics infrastructure within the framework of public-private partnerships, so that Russian companies could enter a new, promising markets for their products, «- the president of Russia said.

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