Solar batteries plant can be built in the Dinskoy district of Kuban

German DPU Investment GmbH in cooperation with Moscow Research and Manufacturing Association Kvant is planing to launch an investment project aimed at manufacturing  solar batteries with the amount of financing of  4,4 billion rubles in the Dinskoy district of Krasnodar Krai. The information is received from the Administration of the municipal corporation .

The source of information from the  administration points out that “within the framework of the international sales exhibition “Zelenaya Nedelya” upcoming in Berlin the head of the district Sergei  Zhilenko plans to sign a corresponding agreement with the investors”

It is planned to place the manufacturing in one of the areas in the Cossack village Dinskaya. The project is in its initial stage. The planned power of the plant – six hundred thousand solar elements and photovoltaic modules a year (120 Mwatt). 280 people will be working for the enterprise. Up to 85% of end products will be exported abroad.

DPU Investmen GmbH is the participant of the operating in the FRG program “One hundred thousand solar roofs” together with the “German Power-producing agency” and a number of German companies.  In terms of the volume of the produced solar energy – 1000 Mwatt – Germany occupied the first place in the world in 2010. The share of the country in the general balance is 36%. For instance, Great Britain produces about 10 Mwatt, there is no information about Russia.

Three large projects are now being implemented in Russian solar energy industry – all of them are supported by the corporation Rosnano. The first one –is the creation of the first Russian mass production of silicon polycrystal (starting crude for electronic components) in Usolie-Sibirskoe (Irkutsk oblast) by “Nitol” group.  The total budget is 19,723 million rubles. The launch of the enterprise will take place in 2012. The second project is the organization manufacturing the highly efficient solar elements on the basis of gallium, indium and arsenium compounds on the  Germanium carrying base. The project has been developed in St. Petersburg and Stavropol since 2010, the total budget of the project is 5,43 billion rubles. The launch of the project is scheduled for 2015. The third project  — the creation of the thin-film solar components manufacture on the basis of non- and microcrystalline silicon by “Renova” group in Novocheboksarsk. The launch of production facilities is scheduled for 2015.

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