‘Solar factory’ to Be Built in Omsk

At present in Omsk region and in the Altai Territory the idea of creating an enterprise, which would generate electricity from solar energy (“solar factory”) for heating and hot water supply as well as its selling to the customers on commercial basis. The idea is supported by the State Corporation Foundation of Supporting the Reform of Housing and Community Amenities. The news was publicized on May 30 by the Public Relations department of the state corporation.

This idea turned up after summing up the first results of the operation of piton energy efficient houses, built in the country in the recent years.

“Solar factories” are a very promising project. The power engineers have calculated that the construction of such enterprises generating energy with the help of vacuum solar collectors can solve not only the problem of energy consumption. The execution of such problem on a national scale can be a powerful stimulus for the development of the whole industry — the production of the Russian solar collectors. At present their installation is a very costly operation. However, in case of their mass production the prices will go down to a quite an acceptable level. And this would mean the increase in demand for them.


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