Solar Panels in Ukraine to Become Cheaper by 20%

Ukraine has introduced tax advantages for the manufacturers of equipment which is used in the renewable energy sector. This will enable reducing the wholesale prices on end products including solar panels approximately by 20%.

It has become known that on September 28 saw the confirmation of a list of Ukrainian manufactured products, 80% of sales profit of which are exempted from taxation provided that they have been sold on the territory of Ukraine. The enterprises are to invest the free surplus into the further development of their high-tech production.

The list includes 32 types of produce among which there are combustion engines which run on bio diesel, as well as gas generators and gas fired boilers with the efficiency coefficient of 80% and more which run on biomass. It also contains biogas units, hydro turbines for small hydro power plants, photoelectric converters and solar collecting panels with high efficiency coefficient, heat pumps, wind generators, gas turbines, float glass, LED-based lighting equipment, cellular glass and others.

This list will be extended with the product types, which will find the widest use in the sphere of renewable energy.

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