Solar Panels to Provide Electricity for Railway Station in Adler

OJSC Russian Raiways reported the planned commissioning of the new six-storeyed passenger railway station in Adler, the resort district of Sochi (the Krasnodar Territory) in the fourth quarter of 2012. The innovative railway station will provide electrical energy for itself by means of solar panels.

According to the project design, the building of the passenger terminal will be located above the railways. Such a design choice for the construction of the railway station building was conditioned by the complex geotectonic relief characteristic for this area and the congested urban development. Locating the multi-level passenger terminal above the railways will allow increasing the volumes of the usable area of the infrastructural facility.

In the course of the construction of the passenger complex the most modern technological innovations have been used, including the ones in the sphere of energy saving. Thin-film solar arrays, which can generate electrical energy and enable functioning of the new railway terminal, will be installed on the roof of the terminal building.

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