Solar Power Plant Installed in L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University

L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University

42 monocrystallic basic pilot cell modules, installed on the roof of the education and lab building of the ENU named after L.N. Gumilev, provide power supply for the inner grid of the building. The total promised capacity of the installation is 12 350 kvh a year.

Speaking to the participants of the opening ceremony for the solar power plant, the Vice Minister of Education and Science of the Kazakhstan Republic Murat Orunkhanov noted that the development of the alternative energy industry is an important part of the global environmental energy initiatives of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, supported at the international conference in Rio-de-Janeiro.

“It is symbolic that the opening ceremony of the solar panel installation is taking place in the leading university of our country – the Eurasian National University. The University, in which the scientific achievements and education are taken as a united whole, and in which walls the most challenging, the most breaking through scientific projects are being implemented”, the vice-minister emphasized.

“This is an event of utter significance not only for out university but also for the whole republic. The launch of the installation regenerating the energy, the source of which is the Sun, is a start of large work aimed at the transition and re-equipment of the energy system of the whole country for the new, so-called “renewable” energy sources. In a way this is the contribution of our university into the industrial and innovation development of our country. This is another step and our contribution into the transformation of the society of intellectual labor”, — says the Rector Erlan Sydykov.

The heliostation is built within the framework of the program of the German energy agency GmbH Gena “Sun roofs” and the program of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology “Export initiative — renewable energy sources”.

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