Solar Power Plant to be Constructed in Almaty Region

AO Samruk-Energo starts the construction of the solar power plant with the capacity of 2 MW in the town of Kapchagai in the Almaty region. The construction of the object will require 4-5 months.

The agreement on purchasing complex works on the design, supply and turn-key construction of this object with BISOL Central Asia Ltd (Great Britain) was signed on October 1 this year n Astana.
So far this is the first industrial scale project in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which will used advanced technilogies (70% of fixed and 30% of servo systems) and the most effective equipment (single-crystal panels).

After the construction has been completed, the operation and the ownership of the solar power plant will be bestowed upon Samruk-Green Energy (100% subsidiary of Samruk-Energo).

Apart from that, another large-scale project in the sphere of the solar power will be executed in Kazakhstan. Thus, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Akimat of the Mangistausk region and Activ Solar GmbH (Austria) presupposes the execution of the project on the construction of photovoltaic modules. Within the framework of this project it is pl,anned to design, build and commission production line with the capacity of 100 MW a year in the free economic area Seaport Aktau.

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