Solar Power Plants With Capacity Over 25 Mw to Appear in Orenburg Region

The Ministry of Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade of Orenburg region and the Russian department of the Swiss company OOO Avelar Solar Technology signed an agreement of intent on the construction of photovoltaic solar power plants with the capacity of no less than 25 MW.

The agreement was signed in the course of the round table “Alternative energy – perspectives of renewable energy development”.

The signing of the agreement was preceded by the reports on the Director of Development at Avelar Solar Technology Aidar Khafizov “Proposals of Avelar Solar Technology on the construction of photovoltaic solar power plants in Russia” and the director of Russian Association of Solar Power Enterprises, the head of external affairs at OOO Hevel Anton Usachev “Global industry of solar power: actual challenges for Russia”.

The discussion of the possibilities of this project execution was attended by the heads and engineers of enterprises and organizations, all the subjects of energy industry in the regions, which deal with the implementation of the renewable energy sources, the representatives of municipal institutions, the employees of design, scientific and educational institutions, the representatives of the companies developing documentation, the deputies of the Legislative Assembly, the heads and chief experts of control and surveillance bodies, 70 people altogether. This number included the management of OOO VentRus, who confirmed the possibility of cooperation with OOO Avelar Solar Technology at the sites, which had earlier been chosen for construction of three wind parks with the aggregate capacity of 150 MW.
The Minister and the specialists, who took part in the discussion of the project, pointed out that such complex approach towards the layout of RER is the most rational one.

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