Starting From December 1, Sochi Power Grid to Work According to «Olympic» Scheme

The employees of the Sochi enterprise of MES South are preparing for the Olympics
During the working visit to Kuban Oleg Budargin, the Chairman of OJSC «FGC UES», held a meeting, at which the decision was announced to transfer power system Sochi to the «Olympic» mode of operation starting from December 1, 2012 . The meeting was attended, and other company executives and representatives from the South and the MEA «Kubanenergo», reviewed the interim results of the ad hoc group to ensure the transmission facilities in the region in the run-up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games, test events and related activities, which will be held in winter 2014. A report on progress made by the Chief Engineer of OAO «UES FGC», Deputy Chairman Andrei through.

The «Olympic» scheme implies that MES South will operate under high alert. Regular check-ups of the main equipment of substations, transmission lines and other important facilities to be conducted around the clock by the staff of departments and staff involved. In addition, they already signed agreements on the repair and restoration work with contractors in the region, on the cooperation with HydroMetCenter of the Russian Federation and MES of Russia in Krasnodar region, and the continuous monitoring of meteorological conditions organized by MES South.

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