Stolen Volkswagen Golf Knocks Down Transmission Tower of Pskovenergo

Funny incident took place on May 22 2012 in Sebezh (the responsibility zone of Pskovenergo), the press-service of the company reports. The Volkswagen Golf car knocked down the reinforced concrete transmission tower 0.4 KW of the closed transforming substation #631. Unfortunately this was not a unique accident but in this case the car turned out to have been stolen!

The driver, who knocked down the transmission tower was delivered to the district hospital in a hospital, and it did not take the law enforcement bodies to find out that the injured person was not the owner of the car, but had stolen it.

The power supply for the customers in Sebezh was not interrupted, because the self-supporting insulated conductor of the power transmission line held the weight of the knocked-down tower (See picture).


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