Streets Of Khakassia Lit With New Low Energy Lanterns

Since recent time the streets of Sorsk have been lit in a new way. They are lit with new generation energy saving LED lanterns. Within the framework of activities directed at energy saving since this year new lanters have been installed in the streets of the city in the republic.
At present about 15 lanterns “Kobra -250” are installed in Sorsk. The similar lighting system have already been tested in the small town of Cheremushky (Sayanogorsk).
This innovation is one of the first stages of the Republic of Khakassia transition to energy saving technologies which is being carried out on the personal order of the Head of the republic Viktor Zimin.

Once implemented the new energy saving technologies will result in considerable economy for the city budget of Khakassia municipalities as well as help to update the city lighting to the benefit of the budget and provide new level of comfort and safety for the citizens of the city.

The advantage of LED technologies consists in the fact that energy consumption becomes twice or thrice as little compared to high-pressure mercury arc lamps, high-pressure sodium arc lamps, and other types of incandescent lamps. The service life of such lamps in the continuous lighting mode without service and losses in light flux is no less than 50 000 hours, there is no blinking and glitter (low visual fatigability). Besides LED lamps have increased tolerance towards vibrations and temperature difference, insensitive towards voltage swing and do not require special disposal.

«In order to promote energy saving in our republic apart from introducing LED lanterns we must carry out energy inspection in the state funded organizations as well as in the industrial enterprises of Khakassia,” – says the first deputy head of the State Committee on Tariffs and Energy Industry of Khakassia Vladimir Shaforost.

At of today the energy inspections have been carried out in the comprehensive school # 26 in Abakan, the building of Repiblic government, such enterprises and LLC “Mart” (the print shop), АПК “MaVr” and boiler houses of V.Baskov private enterprise. The energy inspections have also begun in Chernogorsk, Sayanogorsk and Bogogradsk disctricts.

According to Federal Law # 261 (On energy Saving) the failure to comply with the terms of the obligatory energy inspection will entail the administrative fine at the rate of ten to fifteen thousand rubles; the persons engaging in business activities without being a legal person will pay ten to fifteen thousand rubles; legal persons — from fifty thousands to two hundred fifty thousand rubles.

It is worth mentioning that all energy inspections must be completed by the end of 2012.

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