Substation Vardane Connects to Power Loop 220 kv of Sochi Region

The branch of OAO FGC UES – Main Power Grids of the South – embarked on the construction of the overhangs of power lines 220 kv to the distribution substation 220 kv Vardane, which is to become a part of the power loop created in the Sochi region.

Such a plan of power supply will considerably raise the stability of the power supply for consumers, including the objects of the Olympic infrastructure of the coastal and mountain clusters.

In the course of the works the cut in will be made to existing power transmission lines 220 kv Tsentranlaya – Dagomys and Dagomys – Adlerskaya from the distribution substation Vardane with the length of over one kilometer, while the two existing lines were cut, creating four new ones: Tsentralnaya-Vardane, the two chains of Dagomys – Vardane and Vardane – Adlerskaya Thermal Power Plant.
At present the route has been prepared, the basements for transmission towers are being constructed, two out of nine transmission towers have been installed and over 4 km of wire have been mounted. It should be noted that a part of the route of the cut-ins under construction is going via the mountainous area, which is why extra high transmission towers – up to 44 meters – are being used to ensure the stable operation of power facilities. Such towers are more resistant towards the physical and climatic pressures. Besides, the new power lines will be equipped with surge arresters. This equipment is used instead of ground wire, which in winter during the intensive icing may be the cause of wires damage and power outages. This will significantly increase the resistance of the power transmission lines to the impact of lightning.

After the works have been finished, which is scheduled for 2013, this will result in raising the stability of power supply for over three hundred sanatoriums, boarding houses, recreation camps and other socially significant consumers of the Sochi region, as well as the Olympic infrastructure under construction.

OAO FGC UES is carrying out the construction and reconstruction of 33 power grid facilities of the power supply of the Olympic Games 2014 in compliance with the schedule, set by the International Olympic Committee, as well as the program of Olympic facilities construction and the development of Sochi as a mountain ski resort.

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