Substations 220 kv Bryuhovetskaya and Kanevskaya Start Using Digital Technologies of Data Transmission

“The fibre-optic communication line provides the possibility of transmitting 300 times more information with 1000 times higher speed than high frequency communication, and allows to organize additional channels of communication”, — the head of the FOCL maintenance department at the Kuban Enterprises of the Main Power Networks Alexey Timchenko says.

Krasnodar branch of OAO FGC UES – Main Power Networks of South (MES South) completed the assembly of a fibre-optic communication line (FOCL) at the overhead power line 220 kv Bryukhovetskaya-Kanevskaya. This resulted in raising the stability of power supply for the residents of the central and north-western parts of Krasnodar Territory, as well as for the large consumers of the region such as OAO Kanev Gas Fitting Plant, ZAO Paultry Factory KAnevskiy, XAO Bryukhovetskiy milk canning plant and others.

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