Surgutneftegas: No Background for Fuel Crisis in Russia

According to the deputy sales director of OAO Surgutneftegas Nikolay Kiselev, Russia has no background for development of a fuel crisis.

The representative of the energy company said this at the meeting with the plenipotentiary envoy to the President of the Russian Federation which was held today and was dedicated to the issues of oil products deliveries to the north-western regions of the country.

Kiselev said that the experts of Surgutneftegas are sure that there are no reason for a fuel crisis to start not only in the North-Western Federal District but all over the Russian Federation as well.

Besides, Kiselev said that their company is increasing the volumes of fuel and oil products sales in the domestic market of the North-Western Federal District by 13.5%.

Apart from that the representative of Surgutneftegas added that developing the fuel and oil products market in the Russian Federation requires active measure on using the exchange trading tools.

Kiselev pointed out that the North-Western Federal District is more advanced in the issues of exchange trade than any other region of Russia. In his opinion the development of this industry should follow only one way – raising the volume of oil products trading at the raw exchange market.

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