Показаны все новости по тегу ‘alternative energy sources’

Development of RER to Lower Electricity Prices in Long Term Perspective

Development of RER to Lower Electricity Prices in Long Term Perspective

After completing the payoff period of the RER-project the net cost of electrical energy generated by RER-based sources decreases sharply, as in most alternative energy technologies there is no fuel constituent. The installed capacity of RES generation in the world (without large HPPs) reached 390 GW by 2011, satisfying 8.2% of global electrical energy demand. […]

First Solar Modules and Wind Generator Installed at Cordon of Itkul Lake

First Solar Modules and Wind Generator Installed at Cordon of Itkul Lake

The hybrid installation of alternative energy sources, including a wind generator and solar panels has been mounted at the cordon of the Lake Itkul in the nature reserve Khakasskiy. Mouning of the complete cycle of the system was started at the end of September and is going on in several stages, power generation started in […]

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