Показаны все новости по тегу ‘bio mass’

Volgograd Region to Develop Alternative Energy

Volgograd Region to Develop Alternative Energy

The prospects and possibilities of using renewable energy resources (RER) were discussed at the open seminar “Renewable energy resources as a base for energy supply”. The meeting, which took place in the Volgograd State Agrarian University, started with the presentation of a demonstration zone, where the samples of renewable energy sources were shown: a steamdrop […]

Сo-generation plant White Spring Gets RER-Object Status

Сo-generation plant White Spring Gets RER-Object Status

At present it is only three power facilities in Russia that have the status of the renewable energy resource object, and a co-generation plant White Spring is the only qualified power plant, which runs on bio mass. The industrial co-generation plant White Spring uses the waste products of wood processing complex of the Vologda region […]

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