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Construction of Cable Line 110 KW Ice Palace – Vremennaya in Sochi

Construction of Cable Line 110 KW  Ice Palace – Vremennaya in Sochi

MES of South completed the construction of the cable line 110 KW Ice Palace – Vremennaya, with the total length of 2.5 km in the Imeretinstaya lowland. The power transmission lie is scheduled for commission in summer 2012. In the course of the construction works the home-produced cable with the insulation made of cross-linked polyethylene […]

Moldova Agrees to Pay More for Electricity

Moldova Agrees to Pay More for Electricity

The Republic of Moldova put up with the fact that the price for Ukrainian electrical energy would rise by 13.2% of the current price. On April 2 the management of GasNatural Fenosa put their signatures on the contract with the Kuchirganskaya generation plant, having agreed on the tariff of 6.9 cents for one KWh. Earlier […]

Energy Supply in Southern Districts of St Petersburg Fully Resumed

Energy Supply in Southern Districts of St Petersburg Fully Resumed

Early this morning the Main Electrical Grids of North-West (MES, the territorial subdivision of the Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System of Russia) and OAO Lenenergo completed the works on restoring the electricity supply for the southern parts of St. Petersburg which was interrupted in the previous evening due to the equipment error […]

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