Показаны все новости по тегу ‘Energy Saving’

Teacher and 6 Pupils Poisoned by Energy Saving Bulb Mercury Vapor in Samara Region

Teacher and 6 Pupils Poisoned by Energy Saving Bulb Mercury Vapor in Samara Region

Six pupils and a teacher were brought to hospital in the Samara region after a mercury bulb was damaged at the Physical Training lesson, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reports. “It appears that the complaints about health were heard after the PT lesson, which took place in the gym of the school, during which an […]

Nature Park Volcanoes of Kamchatka Switches to Solar Power

Nature Park Volcanoes of Kamchatka Switches to Solar Power

The solar modules are generating electricity for the most Eastern border of the Nalychevskiy nature park – “Cape Nalychev”. “This is the first latrge-scale project dedicated to the stand-alone power generation at the conservation area of Kamchatka”, — says the director of the nature park Volcanoes of Kamchatka Viktor Komarov. “Solar power is a reasonable […]

Moscow Recognizes Effects of Energy Saving and Intends to Adopt New Long-Term Program

Moscow Recognizes Effects of Energy Saving and Intends to Adopt New Long-Term Program

The authorities of Moscow are going to adopt a long-term program “Energy efficiency in Moscow”, which would allow the capital to raise the level of energy efficiency and to increase energy saving in the city without losing the pace of social and economical development, Novostienegetiki.Ru quote the head of the fuel and energy department of […]

Energy consumption in Sverdlovsk Region Drops by 2,5%

Energy consumption in Sverdlovsk Region Drops by 2,5%

The energy consumption in Sverdlovsk region had been reduced by 2.5%. This was declared by the interim of the Regional Minister of Energy and Communal Facilities Nickolay Smirnov speaking about their experience in executing the regional program of energy saving and of raising energy efficiency in the Sverdlovsk region for 2010-2015, and about the goals […]

Eastern regions of Russian Federation Need to Develop Energy Saving Programs

Eastern regions of Russian Federation Need to Develop Energy Saving Programs

The participants of the round-table discussion in the State Duma recommended the authorities of the Far Eastern and Baikal regions to create medium-term programs on energy saving and the long-term programs of electric power industry development. The round table discussion dedicated to the complex development of the electric power industry infrastructure of the Far East […]

Journalists Initiate Conference on Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency

Journalists Initiate Conference on Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency

May 24 2012 will see the opening of the conference dedicated to the issues of rational energy consumption, which was initiated by the information agency RBC. The major stated goal of the conference is attracting attention to the priority trend in the development of the Russian energy industry, in particular – to the issues of […]

Earth Hour 2012 Has Twice as Many Participants in Russia than Last Year

Earth Hour 2012 Has Twice as Many Participants in Russia than Last Year

As novostienergetiki.ru report on Sunday 01.04.2012 according to the preliminary estimate made by the organizers the global energy-saving event Earth Hour, which took place the day before 31.03.2012 from 20:30 to 21:30 local time united about fifteen million people in Russia. This is by 40 % ore than in the previous, 2011 year. It is […]

Russia Ready to Join Earth Hour

Russia Ready to Join Earth Hour

On March 31 2012 the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is to hold the annual Earth Hour. During one hour all the people who joined this initiative will switch off their electrical devices in order to show the huge potential that energy saving has. This year the event was added special features such as I Will […]

People of Yekaterinburg to Travel in Electrobuses

People of Yekaterinburg to Travel in Electrobuses

A number of bus lines in Yekaterinburg are still using buses with the Euro-0 engines (40 horsepower) and Euro-1 engines (195 horsepower). Such cars are both economically unviable and very harmful for the environment. This was stated during the round-table discussion dedicated to the city transportation problems by the deputy head of the Yekaterinburg administration […]

Rosatom to Turn its Moscow Office into Exemplary Energy Efficient Building

Rosatom to Turn its Moscow Office into Exemplary Energy Efficient Building

Rosatom Corporation is going to turn its headquarters in Moscow into the exemplary energy efficient building. This project execution will cost 42.5 million Russian rubles. Generally the state corporation would like to “cut our enterprises’ expenditure on energy resources by means of using energy efficient technologies”. In 2009 Rosatom spent 25.2 billion rubles on energy […]

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