Показаны все новости по тегу ‘Federal grid company’

Control System of Repair Works in Emergency Situations Created by Engineers of IDGC Holding JSC

Control System of Repair Works in Emergency Situations Created by Engineers of IDGC Holding JSC

The control system of the repair works in emergency situations has been set in experimental operation by the engineers on IDGC Hodling JSC on the power lines 35-110 KW. The system of the repair works in emergency situations will allow to select, analyze and represent the data on the current state of overhead power transmission […]

Repairs of Overhead Line 500 kV Troitskaya State District Power Station – Magnitogorskaya Completed

Repairs of Overhead Line 500 kV Troitskaya State District Power Station – Magnitogorskaya Completed

MES Ural completed the repairs of the overhead line 500 kV Troitskaya state district power station – Magnitogorskaya. As a result of the works executed within the framework of MES Ural repairs program the reliability of electricity transit from the Chelyabinsk power grid to the power grid of Bashkiria. In the course of the works […]

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