Показаны все новости по тегу ‘geothermal power plant’

Geoterm Increases Steam Potential for Power Plants

Geoterm Increases Steam Potential for Power Plants

The Mutnovsky geothermal power plants have the maintenance campaign with the costs exceeding 41 million rubles completed. A special attention is paid to the main and auxiliary equipment used in the generation of electricity. Due to the professional work of the technical staff of the station and the contractors all the works were completed ahead […]

Construction of Geothermal Power Plant Discussed at Baikal

Construction of Geothermal Power Plant Discussed at Baikal

The staff of the Irkutsk Technical University (ITU) put forward a suggestion of building geothermal power plant in the eastern part of the Lake Baikal. The main purpose of the plant is to provide the largest health resort Goryachinsk with heat energy. The total cost of the project is estimated at 14 million rubles. At […]

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