Показаны все новости по тегу ‘INTER RAO UES’

Export of Russian Electrical Energy to Mongolia and China Exceeds 2 Billion Kwh

Export of Russian Electrical Energy to Mongolia and China Exceeds 2 Billion Kwh

The Russian Operator exporting electrical energy in the Far East – OAO Eastern Energy Company – exported to China and Mongolia over 2 billion Kwh of electrical energy during the three quarters of 2012. For the past 9 months OAO Eastern Energy Company delivered to China 1.8 billion Kwh of electrical energy within the framework […]

FGC UES and INTER RAO UES Plan to Create Joint Venture

FGC UES and INTER RAO UES Plan to Create Joint Venture

The agreement on of intent between OAO FGC UES and OAO INTER RAO UES reflects the intention of both parties to jointly initiate, promote, execute the preparation and fulfill new infrastructure projects between the Russian Federation and foreign states, between the foreign states as well as on the territory of the foreign states. The agreement […]

Inter RAO Creates Company for Energy Equipment Export

Inter RAO Creates Company for Energy Equipment Export

OAO UES started a 100% subsidiary — OOO Inter RAO – Export, this follows from the energy statement of the energy holding. As the press-service of Inter RAO explains, the new company will deal with energy equipment export. The representatives of the company refused to specify which equipment is meant, pointing out that the presentation […]

«Daughter»’s Loan Results in Assets Growth

«Daughter»’s Loan Results in Assets Growth

The total assets of OAO INTER RAO UES in the first half of 2011 rose by 367.93 billion rubles. As of July 30 they make up 503.21 billion rubles. The rise of assets was caused by the issue of OAO INTER RAO UES additional shares which was completed on May 17 2011. As a result […]

Minenergo of Belarus: Electric Supply from Russia Still Not Resumed

Minenergo of Belarus: Electric Supply from Russia Still Not Resumed

Despite the fact that Belarus fully accounted for its electricity debt, the situation with the power delivery resumption from Russia is still ambiguous, the Belorussian Ministry of Energy reports. On Friday, July 1, the state production association Belenergo fully discharged its debt owed to Inter RAO UES, sending the third tranche of 611 million rubles. […]

Belarus To Be Switched Off Electricity Due To Debt

Belarus To Be Switched Off Electricity Due To Debt

Inter RAO UES is ready to stop the power delivery to Belarus starting from 0:00 June 29. The Russian company never got the expected next tranche from Belenergo to cover for the debt accumulated for the previous power deliveries. The representative of the Russian company Anton Nazarov warned that the request for supply interruption to […]

Belarus and Russia Create Joint Venture to Sell Electricity

Belarus and Russia Create Joint Venture to Sell Electricity

SPA (State production association) Belenergo and INTER RAO UES created a joint venture with the aim of selling electrical energy together, told the journalists the assistant of the Minister of Energy Industry of Belarus Lyudmila Zen’kovich. “Belorussian-Russian LLC Energoconnect is registered in Belarus on June 17. The joint venture is created with the aim of […]

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