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Generating Unit-5 of NVNPP Stopped for Repairs

Generating Unit-5 of NVNPP Stopped for Repairs

The fifth generating unit of the Novovoronezhskaya nuclear power plant was stopped for the planned and maintenance repair and reload of nuclear fuel, the center for public information at the nuclear power plant reports. The engineers will have to carry out the disassembly and repairs, to conduct the control of the state of the reactor […]

Kazakhstan to Take Final Decision on Joint NPP Construction with Russia till End of Year

Kazakhstan to Take Final Decision on Joint NPP Construction with Russia till End of Year

Kazakhstan does not dismiss the plans of constructing a nuclear power plant on its territory in cooperation with Russia, the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev said at the briefing on June 7 summing up the results of the negotiations with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. “In the future I think we will […]

Rosatom Intends to Certify VVER in Great Britain and USA

Rosatom Intends to Certify VVER  in Great Britain and USA

he state corporation Rosatom intends to submit an application to the regulatory authorities of the Great Britain and the USA for the certification of the reactor technology VVER, the vice president of ZAO Rusatom Overseas Jukka Laaksonen. In particular, it is planned ‘within the following five years’ to go through the standard procedure of the […]

Russia and Nigeria Sign Agreement on Nuclear Power Plant Construction

Russia and Nigeria Sign Agreement on Nuclear Power Plant Construction

The agreement on the construction of the nuclear power plant was signed by the heads of the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The agreement was signed within the framework of the international forum Atomexpo-2012, which is taking place in Moscow at the moment. The first nuclear generating enterprise of Nigeria is to […]

Safety Audit Completed at Kola Nuclear Power Plant

Safety Audit Completed at Kola Nuclear Power Plant

The Rosenergoatom commission carried out a target scheduled inspection of how the safety rules are kept. Beside the experts of the Rosenergoatom concern, the experts from the Smolensk, Kursk and Novovoronezh nuclear power plants were engaged in the work of the commission. In the course of the target inspection the common issues of the plant’s […]

Virtual Access to Supervised Area of Balakovskaya NPP Permitted

Virtual Access to Supervised Area of Balakovskaya NPP Permitted

According to the press-center of the Balakovskaya NPP (See Picture) on Monday April 9 2012 the Center for Public Information launched a website, the visitors of which can make a virtual tour around the nuclear power plant. The Balakovskaya nuclear power plant is geographically located in Saratov region, on the left bank of the Saratovskoe […]

Russia and Japan Start Cooperation in Peaceful Atom Sphere

Russia and Japan Start Cooperation in Peaceful Atom Sphere

On April 3 2012 the plenipotentiary representatives of Russia and Japan exchanged the notes, which signify rounding up the domestic procedures on the ratification of the intergovernmental agreement on using the nuclear power for peaceful purposes. The head of the state corporation Rosatom Sergei Kirienko held a press-conference in the capital city of Japan Tokyo, […]

Rosatom Studies Possibilities of Constructing Several Nuclear Power Plants in RSA

Rosatom Studies Possibilities of Constructing Several Nuclear Power Plants in RSA

Rosatom embarked on studying the possibility of participation in the construction program of several nuclear power plants in the Republic of South Africa (RSA). The cost of the project is estimated at about 130 million American dollars. Alexey Kalinin, Head of International Business Development of the company, pointed out that the Plan of Resources Development […]

Russia Suggests Selling Electricity from Baltic NPP to Germany

Russia Suggests Selling Electricity from Baltic NPP to Germany

The electricity, which is to be generated at the Baltic nuclear power plant, can be sold to Europe. Sergei Boyarkin, the director of the Project Management Department of the Engineering Direction of the state corporation Rosatom claims that the German energy concerns were made on offer to lay the cable from the Baltic nuclear power […]

Rosatom to Launch Marketing Office in Kiev

Rosatom to Launch Marketing Office in Kiev

Nuclear-power company Rosatom is planning to open a marketing network office in Kiev on the base of the branch of Atomenergoprom. The enterprise has already been registered in Ukraine as a representative office of Rusatom Overseas (Rosatom company responsible for promoting Russian nuclear power technologies in the global market). The task of the new office […]

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