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Flood Waters Wash Away Power Lines in Anuchinskiy District of Primorye

Flood Waters Wash Away Power Lines in Anuchinskiy District of  Primorye

«Now repair teams are preparing the new transmission line route to install transmission towers , which had to be shifted because of the strong flood of the river Arsenyevka» — the director of the joint venture of Northern Power Grids of the Primorye branch of FEDGC Sergei Baladin. According to him, to do this they […]

Construction of Cable Line 110 KW Ice Palace – Vremennaya in Sochi

Construction of Cable Line 110 KW  Ice Palace – Vremennaya in Sochi

MES of South completed the construction of the cable line 110 KW Ice Palace – Vremennaya, with the total length of 2.5 km in the Imeretinstaya lowland. The power transmission lie is scheduled for commission in summer 2012. In the course of the construction works the home-produced cable with the insulation made of cross-linked polyethylene […]

Stolen Volkswagen Golf Knocks Down Transmission Tower of Pskovenergo

Stolen Volkswagen Golf Knocks Down Transmission Tower of Pskovenergo

Funny incident took place on May 22 2012 in Sebezh (the responsibility zone of Pskovenergo), the press-service of the company reports. The Volkswagen Golf car knocked down the reinforced concrete transmission tower 0.4 KW of the closed transforming substation #631. Unfortunately this was not a unique accident but in this case the car turned out […]

About 15 Thousand People in Altai Left without Electricity Due to Accident at Power Transmission Line

About 15 Thousand People in Altai Left without Electricity Due to Accident at Power Transmission Line

The central area of Barnaul and 52 population centers with the total number residents over 15 thousand people were left without electricity due to the accident at the power transmission line caused by the abrupt wind, the website of the Emergency Ministry of the region reports. As the governmental agency reports, the disconnection occurred in […]

Bryanskenergo Obtains Modern Training Classroom

Bryanskenergo Obtains Modern Training Classroom

The priority direction of the HR policy in the OAO IDGC of Center is the continuous staff training. There is an action plan aimed at overall personnel development. Thus, this year Bryanskenergo obtained a modern training classroom, where electricians can improve their skills. The classroom is fitted out with modern equipment, which enables demonstrating educational […]

Tatneft Completes Scheduled Activities on Power Transmission Lines Clearing

Tatneft  Completes Scheduled Activities on Power Transmission Lines Clearing

Tatneft finished the scheduled activities on clearing the power transmission lines which are stretching via the woodland. The area of the transmission line tracks which have been cleared since the beginning of the year comprised 1051. 41 ha. These activities were initiated with the memory of the abnormal weather conditions of the December of 2010, […]

Ukraine Installs Two Renewable Energy Units in Association with EU

Ukraine Installs Two Renewable Energy Units in Association with EU

Ukraine is going to build two 110 kV power transmission lines and transformer yard for connecting the renewable energy facilities to the substations Reni (Odessa region) and Zheleznodorozhnoe (the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) for the funds provided by the European Union within the framework of supporting the energy strategy of Ukraine in the sphere of […]

Altaienergo Replaces Rundown Power Transmission Towers According to Schedule

Altaienergo Replaces Rundown Power Transmission Towers According to Schedule

The press-service of the Interregional Distribution Grid Company (IDGC) of Siberia branch — Altaienergo reports that the company has practically fulfilled its schedule of the rundown power transmission towers replacement. It is worth mentioning that the works have been executed ahead of schedule. According to the plan 1787 defective wooden transmission towers of power transmission […]

Kuzbassenergo – Distribution Zone Contributes to GeoGrid Marking its Power Grid Facilities on Common GPS-Map

Kuzbassenergo – Distribution Zone Contributes to GeoGrid Marking its Power Grid Facilities on Common GPS-Map

The branch of OAO IDGC of Siberia — Kuzbassenergo-Distribution Zone started the execution of the project GeoGrid. Such system which implies geographical layout of the information from the database on the electronic map by means of entering there GPS-position data of power grid facilities will increase the efficiency of decision-making while organizing and carrying out […]

Permenergo Executes Distribution Substation Overhaul

Permenergo Executes Distribution Substation Overhaul

Extensive repairs have been carried out by the local subdivision of the Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the Ural Permenergo in the substations 34-110 kV Kyn, Polazna, Kochevo, Pozhva, Gornozavodskaya, Mertelovo, Nikiforovo situated in the Lysbensky, Dobryansky, Kochevsky, Yusvensky, Gornozavodsky and Chusovsky districts of the Perm Territory. Within the framework of the repair program 328 […]

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