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Largest in Ukraine Wind Power Plant Commissioned in Ukraine

Largest in Ukraine Wind Power Plant Commissioned in Ukraine

After reaching the designed capacity of 200 MW the Botievskaya wind power plant (a part of the wind farm FTEK Priasovskiy) will generate 686 GWh of “green” energy annually (the equivalent of power consumption for 960 thousand families). At present the mounting of 19 wind installations is coming to its end. 11 more wind farms […]

First Russian Industrial Biogas Plant Opens in Russia

First Russian Industrial Biogas Plant Opens in Russia

“In the nearest future 130-150 bio plants with the capacity of 230-250 MW will be built in the Belgorod region”, — said the head of Altenergo company, the deputy of the Belgorod regional Duma Viktor Filatov. A grand opening of the biogas plant “Luchki” belonging to the company Altenergo took place in the Prokhorovskiy district. […]

Panel Coolers Are Being Upgraded at Verkhne-Mutnovskaya GeoPP

Panel Coolers Are Being Upgraded at Verkhne-Mutnovskaya GeoPP

Within the framework of the investment program of the geothermal power plants of OAO Geotherm the A-2 hole was reconstructed, a new hole Geo 2 was bored and commissioned, the two vacuum liquid-packed ring pumps were replaced. With the aim of raising the efficiency of the air condenser unit the work has been started on […]

IFC Invests into Renewable Energy Sources in Tomsk Region

IFC Invests into Renewable Energy Sources in Tomsk Region

It is planned to replace the diesel power plants with the mini hydro power plants or hybrid energy sources such as wind-diesel complexes and wind-solar power plants. The transition towards hybrid power plants and mini hydro power plants will help the region to considerably reduce the cost of energy carriers. The International Financial Corporation have […]

Biogas Industry “Migrates” from Eastern Europe to Russia

Biogas Industry “Migrates” from Eastern Europe to Russia

Ukraine and Latvia are curtailing the projects in the field of biogas industry development, which have received no promised governmental support, while the government of Russia has commenced the construction of 30 large biogas stations. According to the Latvian agency «Latvijas Reitingi», in 2011 the production of electricity from the renewable energy sources, mostly from […]

Geoterm Increases Steam Potential for Power Plants

Geoterm Increases Steam Potential for Power Plants

The Mutnovsky geothermal power plants have the maintenance campaign with the costs exceeding 41 million rubles completed. A special attention is paid to the main and auxiliary equipment used in the generation of electricity. Due to the professional work of the technical staff of the station and the contractors all the works were completed ahead […]

Construction of Russia’s Largest Biogas Plant Starts In Mordovia

Construction of Russia’s Largest Biogas Plant Starts In Mordovia

BioGazEnergoStroy started the construction of a biogas plant in the village Romodanovsky (Mordovia, near Saransk). The power plant will have the capacity of 4.4 MW, so far it is the largest project in the sphere of bioenergy in Russia. As a raw material the plant will use biowaste of the cattle, and beet pulp. The […]

Aviation Complex in Lipetsk region to Run on Solar Energy

Aviation Complex in  Lipetsk region to  Run on Solar Energy

Russia’s first multi-range general aviation complex for the development, manufacturing and servicing aircraft will get electricity from a solar power plant — the first one in the Lipetsk region. An innovative company, «Multi-range complex of general aviation » (MRC GA, OOO «Sigma») completed the installation of LED lighting systems and a mini-power plant, which will […]

Solar Panels to be Installed on Mosvodokanal Building Roof

Solar Panels to be Installed on Mosvodokanal Building Roof

The Moscow state unitary enterprise Mosvodokanal is considering the possibility of installing on the roof of its building about one hundred solar panels, which would serve as an independent supply source, the press-service of the enterprise reports. This initiative was considered the day before during the meeting of the scientific and technical council of the […]

Renewable Energy Week to Take Place in Ukraine

Renewable Energy Week to Take Place in Ukraine

For the first time in its history Ukraine is to host a large-scale event, which would take up the whole working week, entirely dedicated to renewable energy sources – this is the Renewable Energy Week scheduled for 16.10.2012 – 19.10.2012. The even in organized by IBCentre and Euroindex, the companies, which have already held a […]

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