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Solar Power Park to be Built in Zhambylskaya Region of Kazakhstan

Solar Power Park to be Built in Zhambylskaya Region of Kazakhstan

Natural and climatic condition of Zhambylskaya region are characterized with considerable energy potential for using renewable energy sources and constructing solar power plants, wind generators and small scale hydropower plants. As a result of joint agreements a memorandum of cooperation in the sphere of development and construction of solar power park was signed between the […]

Capacity of Renewable Energy Sources in RAO ES of East Comprises 300 KW

Capacity of Renewable Energy Sources in RAO ES of East Comprises 300 KW

In 2013 the company is planning to build three solar power plants in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and two wind diesel complexes in Kamchatka Territory. OAO RAO Energy Systems of East present long-term plans on the development of renewable energy sources projects in the Far Eastern Federal District within the framework of the conference […]

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