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New Generating Unit of Urengoyskaya SDPP Commissioned

New Generating Unit of Urengoyskaya SDPP Commissioned

The engineers of INTER RAU UES commissioned a combined cycle power unit PGU-450 at the Urengoyskaya SDPP, which resulted in raising the installed capacity of the power plant from 24 to 474 Mwt. The units allows to partially resolve the problem of energy deficit in the north of Tyumen region. PGU-450 combines steam and gas […]

Serovskaya SDPP Starts Heating Season

Serovskaya SDPP Starts Heating Season

The equipment and the heating line of the Serovskaya State District Power Plant (the branch of OAO OGK-2) are switched from the summer variant to the loop system of heat sypply in the grid of the Pristantsionniy village and ZAO Serovenergo, which provides the heat supply for the village of Energetikov. The scheduled maintenance of […]

Zainskaya SDPP –Laureate of ECOleader Contest

Zainskaya SDPP –Laureate of ECOleader Contest

The branch of OAO Generating Company Zainskaya SDPP became the laureate of the annual republican contest “ECOleader” among the enterprises and organization of all-Russian importance in the nomination “For achieving environmental safety in the activities of housing and communal facilities”. The ceremony of granting awards for the winners of the republican contests ECOleader and “People […]

Water Economizer Replaced at Prymorskaya State District Power Plant

Water Economizer Replaced at Prymorskaya State District Power Plant

Large-scale repair works will allow to improve the technical and economical parameters of the cogeneration-based district heating unit #9, which is used for heating the village of Luxhegorsk. At present the capital repairs of the generating unit #9 with the capacity of 215 Mw is in progress. At the same time a lot of work […]

RAO ES of East Announces Contest on Developing Project of Sakhalinskaya State District Power Plant-2

RAO ES of East Announces Contest on Developing Project of Sakhalinskaya State District Power Plant-2

As the press-service of RAO ES of East reports on March 2, the company announced the contest on carrying out the design and survey work as well as engineering documentation of the construction project for the Sakhalinskaya state district power plant-2. At present the Sakhalinskaya SDPP-2 is a priority investment project of RAO ES of […]

Kirishskaya SDPP Reduces Electricity Production by 7.6% for 9 Months

Kirishskaya SDPP Reduces Electricity Production by 7.6% for 9 Months

The branch of OAO Sixth Wholesale Power Market Generating Company ( OGK-6) — Kirishskaya State District Power Plant has summed up the results of its production activities for the nine months of 2011. The output of electrical power production at the Kirishskaya SDPP for the nine months of this year comprised 4 billion 244.5 million […]

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