Показаны все новости по тегу ‘tariff regulation’

Federal Tariff Service of Russia Approves Long-Term Parameters of Tariff Regulation for Kubanenergo

Federal Tariff Service of Russia Approves Long-Term Parameters of Tariff Regulation for Kubanenergo

On September 2012 the managing board of the Federal Tariff Service (FTS) of Russia approved the transition of OAO Kubanenergo to regulating the tariffs for electrical energy transmission services with the use of the returns on invested capital method (RAB). This company has become the first one to undergo the “reloading” of the long-term parameters […]

Sobyanin Intends to Control How Energy Companies Spend Money

Sobyanin Intends to Control How Energy Companies Spend Money

The Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin thinks it is necessary to establish a strict control over the intended use of funds appropriated to the energy companies by the authorities. “Recent audits of our grid companies show that the companies which receive investment money do not always invest it in the development, but simply ‘guzzle them […]

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