Показаны все новости по тегу ‘Vestas Wind systems AS’

Largest in Ukraine Wind Power Plant Commissioned in Ukraine

Largest in Ukraine Wind Power Plant Commissioned in Ukraine

After reaching the designed capacity of 200 MW the Botievskaya wind power plant (a part of the wind farm FTEK Priasovskiy) will generate 686 GWh of “green” energy annually (the equivalent of power consumption for 960 thousand families). At present the mounting of 19 wind installations is coming to its end. 11 more wind farms […]

First Wind Turbines Arrive at Construction Site of Botievskaya Wind Farm

First Wind Turbines Arrive at Construction Site of Botievskaya Wind Farm

30 wind turbines Vestas V112-3.0 MW with the capacity of 3 MW each are to be installed in the pilot project «Wind Power» — Botievskaya Wind Plant. The mounting of the first wind turbines in Botievo is scheduled for August 2012. It is expected that the first stage of Botievskaya wind plant will be commissioned […]

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