Tatneft Completes Scheduled Activities on Power Transmission Lines Clearing

Tatneft finished the scheduled activities on clearing the power transmission lines which are stretching via the woodland. The area of the transmission line tracks which have been cleared since the beginning of the year comprised 1051. 41 ha. These activities were initiated with the memory of the abnormal weather conditions of the December of 2010, when the trees were bent by the weight of ice crust and leant on the power transmission lines. This is reported by the press-service of Tatneft.

Due to this numerous closures and wire breakages occurred. Basing on the analysis of the December weather abnormalities’ consequences the company has worked out the program of electrical grids resistance to acts of nature.

The activities aimed at clearing the tracks of overhead power transmission lines belonging to OAO Tatnefthave been prepared in cooperation with the Ministry of Forestry Management of the Republic of Tatarstan. In the period from February to April this year the inspection of 2.5 thousand km of overhead power transmission lines which run through the forest has been carried out and the scope of brushing work has been defined. The brushing works and selective extraction of timber have been started in May this year.

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