TGC-2 Embarks on Novaya Lyapinka Project Execution

Within the next two years OAO Territorial Generation Company #2 (TGC-2) is to build a new power facility at the site of the Lyapinskaya steam boiler house in Yaroslavl. At present the project engineering design is being completed, and the list of equipment necessary for the start of a new boiler house has been compiled. The total amount of the planned expenditure on the project execution within the investment program is 380 million, out of which 150 million rubles are to be spent in 2011. The equipment will start arriving in Yaroslavl already in the first half of the next year.

Putting the new generating unit into operation is scheduled for December 2012. Before that the company is planning to install two hot water boilers at the site of the Lyapinskaya steam boiler house. The second stage presupposes extending the boiler house – the installation of the steam boilers and new co-generating equipment which can produce both electric and heat energy.

‘During this period the Lyapinskaya steam boiler house will operate as a back-up one,’ – the chief engineer of the OAO TGC-2 Yury Chistov. – After the new plant has been put in operation the energy system of the Yaroslavl region will be able to meet the electricity demand of the Regional consumers as well as to provide the people with the heat energy.

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