TGK-1 Starts Reconstruction of Iovskaya HPP

A large-scale reconstruction of hydraulic units at the Iovskaya Hydro power Plant, which belongs to OAO TGK. The works are scheduled to be completed un full scope by 2014.

Within the framework of the reconstruction of the power plant the impellers of the hydraulic units are to be replaced, as well as those of excitation and regulating systems. The propeller turbines, which are at used at the power plant today, will be replaced with the adjustable-blade turbines, more effective in operation. The plans of the plant’s management also include the reconstruction of automation and protection systems. It is expected that in 2013 the first unit of the power plant is to be replaced, the second one is scheduled for replacement for 2014.

“We are sure that the reconstruction works will considerably raise the stability of the equipment of the power plant, increase its efficiency coefficient as well as broaden its operation range”, — the director of the Cascade of Nivskiye power plants Andrey Zharnikov says. He also pointed out that the reconstruction of the Iovskaya Power Plant is one of the high-priority projects of the capital investment program of OAO TGK-1.

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