Transsibneft to Preserve Technical Re-equipping at Level of 4.5 Billion Rubles in 2012

OAO Transsiberian Main Oil Pipelines (Transsibneft, Omsk), which is the subsidiary of Transneft, is going to invest about 4.5 billion rubles into the program of technical re-equipping, capital repairs and diagnostics in 2012. This corresponds to the amount of investment of last year, the director general of the company Olen Chepurnoy told the journalists.

Transsibneft is one of the largest enterprises of the oil pipeline transportation. The company carries out oil transportation via the territory of Omsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo and Krasnoyarsk regions.

“Every year the program finances the replacement or repairs of the reservoirs. This year we have seven reservoirs in operation. A lot of attention is traditionally paid to the works at the submerged crossings of oil pipelines”, — Chepurnoy said.

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