Turboatom Ships Second Capacitor for Novovoronezhskaya Nuclear Power Plant

Novovoronezhskaya nuclear power plant

Novovoronezhskaya nuclear power plant

According to the contract signed in October 2011, the Kharkov-based plant Turboatom manufactured two block-module capacitors with the non-corrosive pipe system for the turbine driven feed water pump of the turbo-installation with the capacity of 500 Mw for the fifth generating unit of the Novovoronezhskaya nuclear power plant.

The first capacitor was sent to the plant in May. At present the order is completed in manufacturing. Such product was manufactured for the first time. The weight of capacitors is about 30 tons. The equipment was manufactured according
to the same technology as the capacitors for the Kalininskaya and
Balakivskaya nuclear power plants (Russia), which are manufactured by Turboatom at present.

The major distinction of the capacitors for the Novovoronezhskaya
nuclear power plant is the fact that they are delivered to the plant assembled and in this way they can be commissioned right after installation.

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