Ukraine Does Not Plan Naftogaz and Gazprom Merger Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said yesterday that Ukraine does not plan any merger of the national gas operator Naftogaz with the Russian Gazprom, RIA Novosti reports. It was Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin who first spoke about the merger of the Ukrainian gas company with Gazprom in April 2010. The prime minister’s suggestion was supported by Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller. According to him the financial potential of the Russian gas monopoly could allow to fully update the Ukrainian gas pipeline network, which caters for 80% of Russian gas export to Europe. Viktor Yanukovych in his turn replied then that the merger will be possible only in case it is equally beneficial for both sides. Yesterday the Ukrainian president’s reaction was utterly negative. At the same time he emphasized that Naftogaz agrees to participate in any joint projects with Gazprom. In particular Yanukovych hopes that Russia and Ukraine can agree about the Russian gas prices in near future. At present Ukraine enjoys the discount of 30% off the Russian gas price. However since last spring Kiev has been trying to secure yet more discount for the Russian gas. Alexey Miller said more than once that the prices reconsideration under the long term contract between Russia and Ukraine will be possible only in case of the Ukrainian company Naftogaz with the Russian Gazprom

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said yesterday that Ukraine does not plan any merger of the national gas operator Naftogaz with the Russian Gazprom, RIA Novosti reports. It was Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin who first spoke about the merger of the Ukrainian gas company with Gazprom in April 2010. The prime minister’s suggestion was supported by Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller. According to him the financial potential of the Russian gas monopoly could allow to fully update the Ukrainian gas pipeline network, which caters for 80% of Russian gas export to Europe. Viktor Yanukovych in his turn replied then that the merger will be possible only in case it is equally beneficial for both sides. Yesterday the Ukrainian president’s reaction was utterly negative. At the same time he emphasized that Naftogaz agrees to participate in any joint projects with Gazprom. In particular Yanukovych hopes that Russia and Ukraine can agree about the Russian gas prices in near future. At present Ukraine enjoys the discount of 30% off the Russian gas price. However since last spring Kiev has been trying to secure yet more discount for the Russian gas. Alexey Miller said more than once that the prices reconsideration under the long term contract between Russia and Ukraine will be possible only in case of the Ukrainian company Naftogaz with the Russian Gazprom

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