Ukraine Hopes to Raise Investment of 1 Billion Euro into Renewable Energy Sphere in 2012

The government of Ukraine counts on inviting one billion euro of investment funds into the sphere of renewable energy in 2012. This was declared by the chairman of the State Agency of Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation of Ukraine Mykola Pashkevych.

According to him at present Ukraine sees the formation of a whole new industry. The use of renewable energy will help the country to reduce the gap with the European countries as far as it concerns the energy intensity of production.

In 2010 the volume of investment into renewable energy in Ukraine comprised more than 120 million euro, in 2011 – about 400 million euro.

Besides, Pashkevyh forecasts that next year the top priority status in Ukraine will be given to the projects connected with solar energy while in 2013-2014 the most developed industry will be wind power.

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