Ukraine Reduces Russian Gas Import in First Half-Year Period by 55%

In the period from January to June 2012 Ukraine reduced the import of natural gas from the Russian Federation by 55% against the same period of last year – to 16 billion cubic meters. Such update was publicized today by Ukrtransgaz company.

The press-service of the enterprise points out that in the first half-year period of 2012 the transit of natural gas via the territory of Ukraine to the countries of Western Europe comprised 43 billion cubic meters, which is less than in the first half-year period of 2011 by 23.81%. At the same time the gas transit to the CIS-countries remained at the level of 1.6 billion cubic meters in January-June.

“In the first half-year period the consumers in Ukraine received almost 28 billion cubic meters of gas, which is by 4 per cent more than the same parameter last year”, — the representatives of Ukrtransgaz specify.

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