Urban Power Grids of Tula for Sale

Urban Power Grids of Tula

Urban Power Grids of Tula

The municipality of the city of Tula approved the sale of 70% of the shares of the Urban power grids of Tula by means of their possible sell-off at the securities market. In total 341.004 thousand of security papers are to be sold off. The starting price of the package is 950 million rubles.

The Urban power grids of Tula faced the problem of amortization of the power grids of Tula. According to the statement of Alexandr Balabanov, the head of the enterprise, the upgrade of infrastructure would require about 2 billion rubles of investment. At present the city administration of Tula has approve auctioning off 70% of the shares of UPGT.

The potential investors are both the company Tulaenero (the branch of IDGC of Center and Volga Region) and the generating company Quadra, which operates in the region. According to the latest audit reports EBIT of the company was negative (- 47.268 million rubles), and the net loss comprised – 56.806 million rubles.

A strategic investor entering the company is to bring the funds for the upgrade of the grids, which would result in the increased returns on assets. This will be followed by the security papers growing in price.

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