Uzbekistan and Russian Federation Sign Agreement on Nuclear Reprocessing

Uzbekistan and Russian have signed an intergovernmental agreement on bringing into the Russian Federation the irradiated nuclear fuel of the research reactors, the source in the government of Uzbekistan reported on Wednesday.

According to the document, the irradiated fuel from the research reactors in Uzbekistan is to be delivered in Russia for disposal and replacement with the low-enriched fuel with its subsequent return to Uzbekistan.

“The agreement was signed the day before in Tashkent”, — the interlocutor of points out.

On the Russian side the document was signed by the Deputy Director General of the state corporation Rosatom Nikolay Spasskiy, on the side of Uzbekistan – by the head of the State Inspection on the geological study of subsurface resources, safe operations in industry, mining and domestic household surveillance at the government of the republic Bakhtiyar Gulaymov.

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