Viktor Yanukovich Believes in Ukrainian-Russian ‘Gas Issue’ Solved Soon

The Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich said to the journalists during the press-conference in Donetsk, that he is expecting the official Kyiv and Moscow to reach the consensus on the ‘gas issue’ very soon. This is reported by the press-service of the President. “I am looking at the relationship between Russia and Ukraine with great enthusiasm, and has always done so”. – Yanukovich is quoted by the Ukrainian mass-media.

The President has also pointed out that, in his opinion, during the last two years the two countries have had no “thorny questions”, with the exception of gas negotiations. And, in the opinion of Viktor Yanukovich, there is a hope of the speedy solution of this problem: “I am hopeful that we are going to solve this problem soon, find mutually beneficent approaches, which would be suitable both for Ukraine and for Russia” , the President is quoted as saying.

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