Volgograd Region to Develop Alternative Energy

The prospects and possibilities of using renewable energy resources (RER) were discussed at the open seminar “Renewable energy resources as a base for energy supply”.

The meeting, which took place in the Volgograd State Agrarian University, started with the presentation of a demonstration zone, where the samples of renewable energy sources were shown: a steamdrop heater for heating systems, an on-site thermal generator, gas-fired radiant heating of infrared spectrum, a biogas plant.

After the tour a plenary “Renewable energy resurces as a base of energy supply for dwelling houses, farms, social and tourists facilities” took place.

According to the organizers, the main task of the event in to convey to a broad spectrum of managers, specialists and common energy consumers the advantages of switching to the mass use of RER such as sun, wind and water.

“The energy of wind and sun, biomass, the heat of the earth and hydropower – all this became widely used in the world. There is a number of examples in our region, too” – the deputy director of the Volgograd Center ofr Energy Efficiency Yuriy Kotlyarov pointed out in his report.

The development and application of renewable energy is one of the key moments of the long-term regional special target program “Energy Saving and Raising Energy Efficiency in the Volgograd region for the period up to 2020”, the Minister of Fuel, Energy and Tariff Regulation of the Volgograd region Angar Politsiymako.

He emphasized that the government of the region has already taken certain steps for polularizing the use of renewable energy sources. The legal framework is being improved, the complex of measures is being developed on subsidizing, inviting extra-budgetary investment and encouragement for small businesses development, which operate at the electrical energy market and use renewable energy sources, he specified.

According to the minister, something that can be unfavorable for a large gas-supplied town or city, can have rapid time to value at a remote cattle-breeding farmstead or a farm enteprise

Besides. A transition to renewable energy is one of the top-priority directions in the state policy. It is planned that the share of RER on a national scale will raise by 1.5% compared to 2008 by 2015, and by 3.6% — by 2020.

Summing up the results of the meeting, the participants came to a conclusion that it is not only the potential consumers who need stimulus but also the producers of the corresponding resources. Besides, since everybody is convinced that future lies with the renewable energy, it is necessary to actively involve young people into the processed connected with introducing the

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