Vologdaenergo Starts Reconstructing Substation 35/10 kv Domozerovo

“The reconstruction is conditioned by the prospects of the rapid growth in the power consumption of the Zasheksninskaya area of the city of Tcherepovets, and namely in the area of the planned construction of the bridge across the river Sheksna”, — says the director of Vologdaenergo Alexander Klimanov.

Within the framework of the investment project on the reconstruction of the substation 35/10 kV Domozerovo, located in the Tcherepovetskiy district of the Vologda region, the branch of OAO IDGC of North-West Vologdaenergo embarked on the execution of the construction and assembly works. The grid company is planning to commission the substation in the fourth quarter of 2012.

In the course of the reconstruction the grid company is to carry out the assembly of the main equipment using the modern types of equipment. In particular the power engineers will mount two new power transformers TMH-6300/35 (6.3 MVA each at the substation Domozerovo), as well as will mount the vacuum circuit breaker SIEMENS 35 kV at the transformer cells 35 kV.

“In compliance with the agreement with the management of the capital construction of the Mayor’s office of the city of Tcherepovets, the branch of Vologdaenergo will enable the temporary power supply of the construction site “Bridge crossing over the river Sheksna in Arkhangelskaya Str.”. after which they will connect the object, which is strategically important for the development of the city’s infrastructure, to the permanent power supply@, — says Alexander Klimanov.

By commissioning the substation Domozerovo, the power company will enable the stable and quality power supply for the consumers and strategically important objects of the city of Tcherepovets and the Tcherepovetskiy district. Besides, the execution of the project will give the possibility to development of the low-rise villa construction within 20 km of the substation, located in the environmentally clean area.

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