Vologdaenergo to Clear 80 ha of Forrest Corridor for Overhead Power Transmission Line 110 KW Sokol-Biryakovo

The overhead line 110 KW Sokol-Biryakovo serves as a connection in the grid 110KW between the substations of production enterprises Vologodskiye and Totemskiye power grids, which provide electrical energy for domestic and industrial consumers in the Sokolskiy and Totemskiy districts of Vologda region.

The branch of OAO IDGC of North-West Vologdaenergo executes the investment project on the forest corridor clearing along the route of the overhead power transmission line 110 KW Sokol-Biryakovo.
Suring one month 3 ha of forest corridor were cleared out by the effort of the contractor organization. Altogether the power engineers are to do the clearing at the site with the total length of 100 km from the substation Sokol to the transmission tower # 388. The volume of clearing is to comprise 80 ha.
The investment made by the branch Vologdaenergo into the socially important project, which is scheduled for a period up to 2014 are to make up 3.2 million rubles in 2012. Its execution will enable providing a quality, stable and no-break power supply for the consumers.

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