«Vologdaenergo» to Provide Electricity for Spaso-Kamenny Saviour Monastery

In September 2012 a branch of the IDGC of North-West «Vologdaenergo» scheduled the beginning of construction of 10 kV overhead power transmission line on the island of Spas-Kamenny in the Ust-Cuban area (Vologda region).

The construction of overhead lines will be carried out by the Government of the Vologda region in order to provide the power supply of the monastery-museum, the architectural monument of the XVI century.

The investment project presupposes the construction of 10 kV overhead line in the dimensions of 35 kV on the tower with polymer insulators and the SIP wire with the cable insertion. The total length of the grid is 7.5 km. In addition, the power engineers will install a packaged transformer substation 400/10/0 on the site.

The transmission line route passes in the difficult –to-access place in the estuary of the Kubena river and crosses water obstacles four times, so the cable line will not only pass along the coast, but also on the bottom of the lake Kubenskoe.

The project will provide the electricity supply for the Spaso-Kamenny (Savior on Stone) Monastery-museum, which is included in the registers of UNESCO.

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