Volzhskaya Hydro Power Plant Enters Top List of Enterprises in Volgograd region

The branch of OAO RusHydro – Volzhskaya hydro power plant was named one of the best enterprises in the Volgograd region based on the results of the business activity for the 1st half-year period of 2011. The rating which has been compiled by the Economy Committee of the Volgograd Regional Administration for 10 years already includes 55 enterprises and organizations of the region. The rating is based on the parameters of tax payments and contributions to the consolidated regional budget, extrabudgetary funds as well per one employee and per one ruble of the output product. Volzhskaya hydro power plant occupies the 6th place.

In the first half-year period of 2011 the branch of OAO RusHydro – Volzhskaya hydro power plant transferred to the budgets of all levels the taxes of the total amount of 393.6 million rubles. This amount includes 10.4 million rubles to the federal budget and 383.2 million rubles to the regional budget. Besides, the contribution to the extrabusgetary funds comprised 18.1 million rubles, the cost of land lease – 7.8 million rubles. The totals amount of the charge for the use of bodies of water in the 1st half-year year period of 2011 made up 40.8 million rubles.

As a result of the branch operation in the 1st half-year year period of 2011 the income tax payment comprised 259.6 million rubles including the payment to the consolidated budget of the Volgograd region – 233.7 million rubles. The total amount of tax liabilities equals 653.2 million rubles.

According to the results of the 1st half-year period of 2011 the tax payments per one employee in the branch of OAO RusHydro – Volzhskaya hydro power plant into the consolidated budget of the region comprised 2.32 million rubles.

Judging by the parameter “Average monthly salary payment per one employee” the branch of OAO RusHydro – Volzhskaya hydro power plant takes up the 3d place. The level of salaries in the enterprise in higher than the average one in the industry sector.

The results of the rating are taken into consideration while summing up the results of the contest “Best manager” and “Best Organization” which is held annually at the initiative of the administration of the Volgograd region.

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