Week of APEC summit-2012 in Vladivostok Starts

The week-long summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation started in Vladivostok in the Island Russkiy.

On the eve of this event the power engineers carried out the emergency response drill at the generating sources of the summit. At the Island of Russkiy the power engineers of OJSC Far-Eastern Energy Managing Company and the branch of the Thermal Grids of Primorye of the Far Eastern Generating Company tested the joint operation of the generating equipment of the mini CHP “Severnaya” and the CHP “Tsentralnaya” parallel to the energy system of the the Primorye Territory.

«The emergency response drills were conducted with the aim of improving the interaction of technical staff at the turn of generating equipment to test its performance at maximum load», — the Deputy Director General and Chief Engineer of JSC «FEEMC» Sergei Paramonnik. According to him, in the course of training the entire composition of generating equipment of CHP «Severnaya» was put into operation, including the reserve power supplies, and the gas turbine #2 of the CHP «Tsentralnaya».

It should be reminded that the electricity and heat supply of the APEC Summit 2012 facilities in the Island of Russkiy has been carried out on the permanent scheme since April 2012. To do this, JSC «FEEMC» commissioned CHP «Severnaya», I and II launch complexes of the mini CHP «Tsentralnaya», the heating and electricity distribution networks of 35 kV, which is connected to the energy grid of Primorye.

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